C190 Resources

Promising Practices

The promising practices on ILO Convention 190 (C190) and Recommendation 206 (R206) led by an organization (governments, civil society organizations, unions and other/or stakeholders) can broadly fall under either of the three categories: a) Ratification; b) Implementation with ratification and; c) Integration without ratification.

The type and nature of the practice can vary according to the outcome of the initiative and can encompass the following: a)Advocacy, campaigning and lobbying with key decision-makers; b) Public awareness/media; c)Awareness raising and training of workers, union leaders and employers; d)Coalition building and partnerships; e) Research, data collection and documenting workers’ stories; f)Enforcement of existing policies and laws at national, local, regional and at the workplace levels; g) Negotiation of workplace policies/Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs)/ Enforceable Brand Agreements (EBAs)/Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) aligned with C190/R206; h) Internal policy alignment (Unions/Civil Society Organizations); i) Direct support services to workers for redress and remedies and others.


Africa Recruitment Practices: How we do it.

2009, Africa

Implementation with ratification

New cost model to access justice for survivors of workplace sexual harassment

2024, Asia-Pacific

LUNA Program: Leadership, Unity, reNovation, and Amplification

2019 to present, Latin America

Integration without ratification

UNI Global Framework Agreement with CIRSA

2024, Europe/Americas

Latin American Agricultural Workers Fight for Gender Rights

2024, Americas

UNI Global Framework Agreement with Credit Agricole

2023, Europe

Global Framework Agreement with finance group Societé Generale

2023, Europe

Dindigul Agreement to Eliminate Gender-based Violence and Harassment

2022, Asia

Global Framework Agreement between UNI Global Union and Orange

2019, Europe/Africa

Enforceable Brand Agreement in Lesotho

2019, Africa

Step by Step Approach to Prevent GBV at Production Lines in Garment Supplier Factories in Asia

2019, Asia

Program on the Prevention and Elimination of Gender-based Violence and Harassment in Lesotho

2019, Africa

Decent work for domestic workers – Eight good practices from Asia

2017, Asia